unified communications

Elegant. Single-Sourced. Always Available.

Unified Communications. Contact Center Solutions. Delivered from the cloud “as a Service”… enabling you to use these capabilities together across your organization as required, with the maximum amount of operational flexibility and security possible.

Because your organization needs to.
And now, because you can.

A recent Metrigy* research study found that 62.8% of the organizations it deemed to be more successful than their industry peers (which are 27% more successful than typical organizations), had integrated UC with their CC solution to deliver better customer experiences (CX). Through UC/CC integration, they improved overall communication and collaboration across the organization, from front-line agents to back-office and support teams, to engineers and decision-makers.

Locally or globally, location is no longer a limitation. By being able to see who is available, using their presence status, and identifying their specific knowledge or expertise, helps reduce the time it takes to resolve a customer issue.

Interestingly, Metrigy also noted that mid-market companies (550-2500 employees) lead in UC/CC integration at 72.4% which is significantly more than Enterprise companies with 10,000+ employees at only 50%.

Metrigy** also found that 61.9% of organizations that have deployed a single-source solution for both Unified Communications and their Contact Center, drove revenue increases of 52.8% and improved their overall Customer Experience (CX) ratings by 20%, while also improving agent efficiency by 31.3% due to their use of a single-source solution.

Their overall revenue growth was attributed to increased customer engagement, higher levels of satisfaction, and more extensive conversations with appropriate subject matter experts (SME’s) resulting in more upsell and cross-sell opportunities. Additional benefits were achieved through more extensive internal contact center collaboration, enabling supervisors to collaborate using chat and team collaboration workspaces while also simplifying the management of their agent teams.

The Upside of a Single-Source UC/CC Solution

Enhances Customer Responsiveness

  • Reduces wait times by handling multiple queries simultaneously
  • Enables you to offer the communication channels customers prefer
  • The elegant, intuitive GUI simplifies and accelerates interactions

Increases Operational Agility

  • Easily engage with appropriately skilled resources wherever they may be

Increases productivity by improving call flows

  • Using threaded, persistent chat to minimize customer data inputs
  • Centralizes system administration and ongoing management
  • Accelerates the deployment of hybrid (office, remote) work environments

Provides Resiliency

  • Embedded in the cloud, always accessible, from any device
  • Built-in business continuity and disaster recovery

Benefits from the Best Security

  1. Centrally managed and optimized
  2. ISO27001 Certified, so cloud-based customer data privacy is assured
  3. All communications channels are secured and encrypted

Announcing Enghouse UC!

A solid, unified communications solution, available in three versions:

  • Elegantly integrated with your Enghouse Interactive Contact Center solution of choice:

Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS)

Contact Center for Enterprise (CCE)

Contact Center for SMB (CC)

  • As a highly adaptable standalone unified communications solution, which can be integrated with a wide range of other applications using its open-source API’s
  • As a dedicated, white-label solution, for service providers, system integrators, or value-added resellers looking to enhance their current communications offerings

3Register Now to attend our launch webinar for a detailed overview and demo of the Enghouse UC solution.See how our new UC solution can be quickly and easily integrated with your contact center to deliver the communications and collaboration capabilities you need to enhance your Customer Experience (CX).

*Metrigy Research, Q3, 2021: UC, Contact Center Integration Drives Business Value

**Metrigy Research, Q1, 2021: How Companies are using AI, Teams UC, and Video to Improve Customer Interactions

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